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{PROM 2017} Paynesville

I absolutely LOVE seeing high school students all dressed up for the Prom! Having been a high school teacher for many years we get to know these kids in the day to day. Jeans, sweatpants, hoodies, flannels, i.e. typical comfy clothes. But when they clean up boy do they clean up! These ladies were STUNNING!!! The guys.... WOW did they clean up well and look so handsome in their suits and tuxes!

I love how they all have their own style. Some are very glamorous while others are fun and flirty. Some did clutch bouquets for their flowers while others did wristlets. No matter the choices, they absolutely blew me away! And don't even get me started on the cars that they were driving! WOW! We had vintage vehicles, big pick up trucks, classy cars... it was unbelievable.

Some of these Seniors I had the privilege of capturing their Senior pictures so they got first dibs on having me capture their Prom photos for them. First we started with a few of the couples. Check out these great looking couples.

Told you they were fabulous!!!

After their photos the troops began to role in and in all we had fourteen couples show up for a big group picture. I can't even begin to choose a favorite dress. Stunning!!!

The girls rocked the "Bridesmaids" pose and the guys are just too cool. Dang they clean up so good!!!

Pictures were done and it is time to roll out to take a trip around the lake in the sweet cars. Peace out! Thanks so much for letting me capture these memories for you! I hope Prom 2017 was AMAZING!!!

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