With this hot weather we have been having here lately this session had to get moved to the morning! Even then, by the time we were done it was getting hot! I don't know how photographers work in the heat like this all the time. I would be melting. But Reed was a trooper, and even helped with adding ideas of his own.
We started our session at ROCORI High School on the football field.

Apparently, we weren't the only ones with the idea to move to a morning session because one of his classmates was there having senior pictures taken as well!

After Football pictures, we were headed out to St. John's University. A favorite photo location of mine and just a beautiful campus!

Thanks so much for choosing Design Studio by Stacy for your senior pictures!
I hope you have a great senior year!
#outdoorsession #ROCORISenior #ROCORIHighSchool #SartellHighSchoolSenior #CentralMinnesotaSeniorPhotographer #outdoorseniorsession #senior #StCloudMinnesotaSeniorPhotographer #WillmarMNseniorphotographer #football #WillmarMNPhotographer #PaynesvilleMNphotographer #ColdSpringMinnesotaPhotographer #StCloud #Minnesotaphotographer #Classof2018 #StCloudMinnesotaPhotographer #StJohnsUniversity